
Perspectives: Show Me the Money

A Consultant’s Guide to Pricing Professional Services

In a year dominated by changed workplaces and shifting strategies, client needs are constantly evolving. As a consultant, it can be challenging enough to provide the right services—let alone price them accurately. 

How do you charge clients fairly? How do you demonstrate your expertise and get compensated for the value you’re worth?

Join Laura Caton, Partner and Senior Consultant of LeadShift, Alisa Cohn, Global CEO Coach, and Matt Poepsel, PhD, VP of Partner Growth at The Predictive Index, for a live discussion on how to:

  • Gauge the value of your services.
  • Determine if your current prices are competitive.
  • Communicate pricing changes to your clients.
  • Demonstrate return on investment.


Laura Caton

Partner, Senior Consultant

Alisa Cohn

Global CEO Coach

Matt Poepsel, PhD

VP of Partner Growth, The Predictive Index

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