
Is it extraversion or extroversion?

3 min read

We debunk the psychology behind this word and how you really should be spelling it. A lot of people ask the question, ‘what is the correct spelling of the word extraversion? Is it with an “A,” as in extraversion, or with an “O,” as in extroversion. We deal with this same thing here at PI…

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People working

The 5-step strategic workforce planning framework

6 min read

What is strategic workforce planning Strategic Workforce Planning is essentially aligning your human capital needs with those dictated by your business plan and strategy. A well thought out workforce plan will answer questions like: For well-established HR departments and larger organizations, workforce planning can be a catch-all term that covers everything HR-related from annual reviews…

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Cubicle work environments are doing more harm than good.

4 min read

Companies are scrapping cubicles for an open office layout, boosting employee productivity and motivation. Can you imagine spending eight hours a day in a small box, only leaving to use the restroom, grab a bite to eat, or make copies? Sounds pretty dreadful. The unfortunate truth is that most office workers are trapped in such…

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Benefits of a happy brain: Positive employees are more productive employees

2 min read

The advantages of a “happy” brain are abundant.

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The benefits of joining a professional organization

3 min read

No matter what level of employment a worker labors at—whether the most menial of occupations or a position requiring the highest level of education, experience, and skills—there are almost certainly one or more professional organizations they are qualified to be a member of.

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4 tips to integrate remote teams

How to stay motivated (and productive) when working remotely

3 min read

Fifty-four percent of companies offer remote work opportunities. Here are five tips to stay motivated and productive when working remotely.

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The hidden costs of mediocre employees

3 min read

Groundbreaking companies cannot be built on the efforts of mediocre employees. It is absolutely shocking the number of large firms that languish while they put off eliminating underperforming employees. Even worse, those employees who just tread water, who stay out of trouble, meet their quotas, complete their assignments but never use their imagination – never…

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Self-awareness: The key to leadership success

2 min read

Anthony Tjan, co-author of best-selling business book Heart, Smarts, Guts and Luck, writes that “there is one quality that trumps all, evident in virtually every great entrepreneur, manager, and leader. That quality is self-awareness. The best thing leaders can do to improve their effectiveness is to become more aware of what motivates them and their…

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Building a learning organization from the ground up

4 min read

Jack Welch, former Chairman and CEO of General Electric, once said, “an organization’s ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage.”

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